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Find out more about our revised draft Water Resources Management Plan.


Between 11 September and 4 December 2024, we held a public consultation on our revised draft Water Resources Management Plan. Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation and gave their feedback.

During the consultation period, we held eight in-person roadshow events at locations across our supply area. At each event, customers and stakeholders could find out more about the revised draft plan and speak to members of our team. We also held five webinars that included a presentation about the revised draft plan and a question and answer session.

You can view a recording from one of the webinars below.

Following the close of the consultation, we will consider all of the feedback we have received on our revised draft plan. We intend to publish a Statement of Response to this consultation in early 2025, following which we’ll update our revised draft WRMP and share it with the Secretary of State for the Environment.

Southern Water revised draft Water Resources Management Plan Consultation Webinar


You can find the documents and annexes published as part of our consultation below. The consultation has now closed, but the documents remain available for reference purposes only.

Some documents have not been published online as they contain commercially sensitive or security confidential information. Should you wish to view any of these documents, please contact us via wrmp@southernwater.co.uk.